Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

jika kelinci sakit

ada beberapa jenis obat yang dapat menyembuhkan penyakit-penyakit kelinci, seperti :

1. Bio - Sultrim 48 - Obat Mencret Contains : Trimethoprim 40 mg & Sulfamethoxazole 200 mg, 50 ml

2. Obat Kembung - Contains : Al Hydroxide 300 mg, Mg Hydroxide 300 mg & Simethicone 30 mg, 50 ml.

3. BIVERMECTIN 1% - Contains : Ivermectin 10 mg, 100 ml. Kegunaan : Untuk obat Scabies ( Budukan)

4. BIO-LINCO-S - Contains : Spectinomycin 100 mg, Lincomycin 50 mg, 100 ml. For the treatment of Haemorrhagic Enteritis Salmonellosis & Respiratory Infection : CRD, Synovitis, Arthritis Pneumonia & Mastitis

5. BIO - DEXA - Contains : Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 2 mg, 100 ml. Used in non infectius or infectius inflammatory conditions : gluconeogenic activity in case of agalactia : Ketosis, Liver Failure, Low Body Temperature. Recommendation : Dexamethasone must be given in association with antibiotic in infectious states.

6. Bio B-Complex Contains : Vit B1 10 mg, B2 4 mg, B6 4 mg, B12 10 mcg, Nicotinamide 50 mg, D-Panthenol 5 mg, 100 ml. - For the prevention and treatment of B-Vitamin deficiencies. - To increase body resistance against stress, cold and infections. - Promotion of normal growth, digestion & metabolism. - To hasten recovery from chronic diseases, infection & surgery.

7. VITAMIN AD3E - Contains : Vitamin A 80.000 IU, Vitamin D3 40.000 IU, Vitamin E 20 mg, 100 ml. Increasing resistance in stress conditions, parasitic infections, viral or bacterial infection. Promotion of growth & fertility.

8. PROMIC DECOMPOSER - Disinfektan kandang, yang terbuat dari bahan organik & tidak berbahaya bagi kelinci, menghilangkan bau kandang & lalat, membunuh bakteri pathogen pada kandang yang bisa membuat kelinci mati mendadak.ng

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